Thursday, September 3, 2020

Project Report Is On Challenges in Cyber Security for Business

Question: Examine about the Challenges in Cyber Security for Business. Answer: Presentation The venture report is on the point Challenges in Cyber Security for Business. Digital security is the basic issue worldwide with the developing utilization of innovation. The issue isn't simply restricted to an association yet it is the worldwide issue. There are numerous difficulties which are to be looked by the associations in adapting up to the issues of Cyber security. Security and information insurance are serious worries for the associations in light of the fact that the spillage of information and abuse can prompt extreme ramifications for the business. That is the reason, associations these days are spending overwhelming sum on the security of their information and tasks from the gatecrashers. These days the vast majority of the associations work on the web and keep up their information on online stages. They have to make strides with the goal that they can spare their own information and data and of the clients. There are numerous models wherein the honest clients turned in to the piece of the fake charges without having any information about it (Chertoff, 2008). The examination centers around such episodes and difficulties which the organizations and clients need to look for keeping up digital security in business. The exploration follows a strategy and the report arranged will clear that what all strategies will be utilized to direct the examination. Task Objective The key target of the exploration is to recognize the digital security challenges for business and how to address them. These difficulties are looked by the associations at a worldwide level. The undertaking isn't restricted to the conversation of difficulties of digital security yet it will likewise talk about that what all options are accessible to address these difficulties. The undertaking targets discovering the answers for the issues which the associations are looking in the current business condition. Undertaking Scope The extent of the undertaking is wide. It is on the grounds that to address the digital protections for business, it will be required to concentrate on the hierarchical level and on the business level, all inclusive. Additionally, the ideas will be talked about which will be utilized to address these difficulties. The venture has more extensive degree as it enlarges the skyline of information with respect to how the organizations can be made more secure and progressively secure. Innovation is these days a necessary piece of the activities of the business which can likewise present dangers for the business data and tasks. The organizations need to handle such dangers so as to contend in the business condition. Writing Review This area of the examination will give the information data on the point Challenges in Cyber Security for Business. Digital security is one of the key difficulties of the business associations in the current serious business condition. This is on the grounds that, today, innovation is quickly creating and is utilized by pretty much every association for dealing with their tasks and capacities well. The expansion in the utilization of mechanical gadgets like web, mobiles, PCs, workstations and others has prompted more assaults and difficulties to the business. Different digital assaults have been knowledgeable about recent years which are been relieved by utilizing a security system by the associations (Donaldson, et al., 2015). Digital security is the point at which the advanced data and property of the organizations are ensured against the abuse and burglary by the interlopers. This should be possible by following the security and data frameworks. This has become a genuine administration issue these days. Digital security is confronting sure difficulties in the business which is the expanded development in information from the business frameworks (Gharibi Shaabi, 2012). As per Kaplan, Sharma Weinberg (2011), innovation has now become a pith of the business. It carries development and improvement to the business yet like everything has two perspectives, innovation likewise has some reactions. It influences the security of the business information. Cybercrime has developed by and large and it is influencing the protection and security of information. To confront cybercrime, digital security is significant yet needs to confront certain difficulties like absence of subsidizing from the administration, deficiency of faculty, less access to information about the equivalent and the obliviousness by the business about cybercrime (Lord, 2017). One must be refreshed about the cybercrime as it can harm the entire information of the business. The workers should be prepared with the goal that they can deal with the digital security issues in the association well. Some moral issues emerge with the representatives. When the workers leave the association, they will undoubtedly follow the set of principles of the association. All things considered, the representatives are will undoubtedly follow any set of accepted rules and prerequisites of the association as a result of which they would undermine the association and may hack information. The representatives who used to be moral programmers become exploitative programmers after they leave the association which present danger to the associations (Hall, 2016). 21st century needs digital security in each circle as the innovation is creating at a fast pace. There are such a large number of difficulties to digital security as a result of which the efficiency of the organizations are corrupting. The tremendous measure of cash must be put resources into keeping up the security of the business information and data which could have been utilized for creating items and administrations and for some other reason. There are a few elements which prompted the expanding dangers and difficulties to digital security. These variables incorporate the absence of authority and coordinated effort, absence of data and information about cybercrime, absence of guidelines and laws against cybercrime, expanded utilization of innovation and web, absence of financing and backing from the administration and some more. These elements should be focussed so as to set up viable control on the digital security challenges in business (Wright, Dawson and Omar, 2012). According to Smith Cockburn (2014), the consistence can be utilized to sift through the difficulties of digital security. The associations make set of accepted rules in type of consistence projects to set up and comprehension of dos and donts. The consistence programs are structured distinctively for various projects (Minick, 2016). The administration of association structure the consistence programs so as to confront the difficulties of digital security. The consistence methodology are planned according to the jobs and duties of the association. The consistence strategies ought to be made with a mean to give accomplishment to the association. These are the qualities which ought to be moved to the representatives. These characterize the accomplishment of the association (Subramanian, 2008). According to ICGS3, et al. (2015), there is a few compliances use in the instances of digital security. These incorporate IT Audit and consistence, Policies of IT, evaluation and the board of Information Technology. There are a few organizations which are attempting to shield worldwide frameworks from cybercrime. The organizations like Cisco have received an all encompassing way to deal with secure the hierarchical information. The associations and workers are caused mindful about the arrangements and methods with the goal that they to can tail them to get the advantage of the equivalent. The associations are likewise encouraged to utilize made sure about framework with the goal that they can play out their capacities better. Compliances are noteworthy in meeting the difficulties of digital security (Nojeim, 2010) Security and information assurance are of most extreme significance for any association. For any association, information is an advantage which is to be kept classified with the goal that no contender can abuse it against the association. Information is significant on the grounds that it is utilized by the organizations to take further business choices. The organizations need to secure information and keep up protection with the goal that nobody can plot against the organization by utilizing the information of the association. As per Cyberics (2015), burglary of information of the organization may demonstrate grievous for the organization on the grounds that the information can be utilized to malign the picture of the organization. The associations can constrain the difficulties and issues of digital security by giving the entrance of information to predetermined number of individuals. Solid passwords and confirmation measures can be utilized for constraining the unapproved get to. The workers who are utilized for keep up the digital security in the associations ought to be talented and able enough in correlation with the programmers. It is likewise critical to keep up outsider information in an association. The market today is skillful as far as innovation. The organizations are picking outsider administrations like cloud contending with the goal that the skill can be picked up in the administrations and the information cost can be diminished. Redistributing the administrations to the outsider can prompt genuine damages and effects on the security of information. For this situation, security groups ought to be utilized which may take safety efforts and checks every now and then so it can meet the vision and crucial the association (Khajuria, 2017). There is an absence of operational procedures and techniques in the associations in light of which the digital assaults are influencing the associations every now and again. The associations need setting up right guidelines in administering the digital assaults (Mehan, 2014). The IT experts in the organization need to think of the methodology which spare the association from getting assaulted by the digital lawbreakers. The organizations and the nation in general should concentrate on planning the security frameworks and more IT experts who can restrain the difficulties and dangers presented to the digital security of business (Tiwari, Bhalla Rawat, 2016). It tends to be presumed that it is the worldwide innovative war which hurts business and industry in general. The organizations should think of the consistence programs and ought to receive all the specialized estimates which permit business to address the difficulties of digital security. The protection of information ought to be kept up so as to be sheltered and secure for business future and for clients also (Fischer, 2016).

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Aristotle or a post-modern anti-hero Free Essays

In On the Road Jack Kerouac produces what has gotten known as the original Beat saint, Dean Moriaty. An investigation of whether he is more like a conventional Aristotelian legend or to the postmodern wannabe will uncover much about the frequently opposing powers at work inside the â€Å"rhythms of fifties underground America, jazz, sex, liberality, chill first lights and medications . . We will compose a custom paper test on Aristotle or a post-current wannabe? or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now . â€Å" (Holmes, 1957). Before talking about which Moriaty is nearer to it will be important to quickly characterize both the conventional and the postmodern legend, distinguishing what they hold in like manner and what separates them. The customary Aristotelian legend is a high-conceived man, typically illustrious or if nothing else from the privileged who gives off an impression of being large and in charge toward the start of his story. He has numerous focal points, both common and obtained. He is frequently effective, well known with others and evidently upbeat. The grievous saint typically has something that has been called â€Å"the lethal flaw† (Kaufmann, 1992). This imperfection might be something he has no fault for, for example, the heel that makes Achilles truly powerless, the desire that makes Othello sincerely defenseless or the reflection that makes Hamlet delay so long. This deadly imperfection frequently leads, somehow, to the destruction of the heartbreaking saint. So the conventional sad legend tumbles from a high social situation to disrespect as well as death through condition and through his alleged deadly imperfection. Aristotle said that his destiny ought to rouse â€Å"pity and fear† inside the crowd (Aristotle, 2001).â Pity for the destiny of the individual shocking saint and dread that they may fall into a comparable circumstance themselves.  By differentiate, the wannabe is, as per the American Heritage Dictionary, â€Å"a primary character in an emotional or story work who is described by an absence of conventional brave characteristics, for example, vision of courage† (America, 1992). Some piece of information to which meaning of hero †saint or wannabe †Dean Moriaty falls can be found inside the way that the very term â€Å"anti-hero† is in actuality a Twentieth Century creation (Lawall, 1966).  The thought of the screw-up is from multiple points of view connected to mid twentieth century ways of thinking, for example, Existentialism, which proposed that life has small significance and that no supreme norms of ethical quality are applicable. The wannabe makes his own feeling of qualities, frequently from second to second, as indicated by the requirements existing apart from everything else. The postmodern wannabe takes on comparable inclinations, in spite of the fact that he is considerably increasingly extraordinary. The â€Å"Man-With-No-Name† character that Clint Eastwood played in the 1960’s spaghetti westerns is maybe the exemplary postmodern screw-up. The universe of these westerns doesn't have â€Å"good† and â€Å"evil† as could be recognized by the white/dark ponies, the white/dark rancher caps and the attractive/appalling on-screen characters of the conventional Western. There are only shades of obscurity in the spaghetti western, and the equivalent can be said for the vast majority of the characters in On the Road, set all things considered inside a universe of steady meandering all through America that is here and there fundamentally the same as a western. One of the most significant features of On the Road is the way that there are two fundamental characters. To begin with, there is Sal Paradise, the main storyteller of the novel that has been pretty much connected with Kerouac himself; and second, there is Dean Moriaty. The peruser is quickly and continually brought into perspectives on Dean Moriaty. Sal portrays him as â€Å"simply an adolescent massively energized with life† who has â€Å"a sort of heavenly lightning . .. blazing from his energy and his visions† (Kerouac, 1957).â Later Dean is portrayed as â€Å"the sacred extortionist with the sparkling mind† (Kerouac, 1957). So in the way of both the legend and the wannabe, Dean is an alluring character who attracts others to him through the sheer vitality that he radiates and his clear get-up-and-go for everything life brings to the table. In any case, Dean is low conceived. He is obviously the child of a heavy drinker who was never truly raised appropriately and who has had criminal penchants from a youthful age. Senior member has been in jail for taking vehicles. While customary sad legends may carry out the most genuine of violations (regularly murder) they are not typically criminal from an ordinary perspective. There is something insignificant and sad about the sort of guiltiness that Dean Moriaty shows. Be that as it may, in the best convention of the postmodern screw-up, Dean has taken in a great deal about how to live from his imprisonment. He states, with trademark gruffness: Just a person who’s went through five years in prison can go to such maniacalâ helpless limits . . . jail is the place you guarantee yourself theâ right to live. (Kerouac, 1957) So the screw-up finds himself through going wrong, regardless of whether he most likely didn't have far to fall in any case. As opposed to heading off to his demise or grieving in the disgrace of his wrongdoings he experiences the long periods of his detainment and afterward comes out to go â€Å"on the road†. In one sense the novel shows what may happen when the appalling saint has fallen, been changed and developed as a postmodern wannabe. Dignitary falls further in any case, particularly as the novel proceeds and the oddity of being allowed to do as he wishes begins to wear ragged. In this manner his deserting of his better half and youngster are drawn out into the open, surely he is stood up to with it. Sal, ever the insightful onlooker, expresses that â€Å"where once Dean would have worked out, presently he fell quiet . . . he was BEAT† (Kerouac, 1957). The hero of the novel experiences it performing unequivocally un-brave deeds, for example, this relinquishment. He likewise communicates a consistent and rather upsetting fascination for little youngsters, frequently just 12 or 13, particularly the individuals who are whores and in this way absolutely defenseless against his wants. Close to the finish of the novel he really deserts Sal as he lies debilitated in Mexico City. Eventually Sal comes to see Dean in a fierce light, oine that scarcely meets any sort of definition other than a distinctly screw-up: . . . at the point when I showed signs of improvement I understood what a rodent he was, yet then I hadbto comprehend the unthinkable multifaceted nature of his life, how he needed to leave me there, wiped out, to continue ahead with his spouses and woes.b(Kerouac, 1957) (accentuation included) Senior member is in this manner basically a defeatist, and an absence of mental fortitude is never part of the character of a disastrous saint, whatever different deficiencies he may have. Be that as it may, Sal, in typically postmodern style, doesn't censure Dean for his weakness and being a â€Å"rat†. The postmodern condition is one in which there are no total guidelines of morals and in this way everything is pretty much excused. It is a mind-blowing â€Å"complexity† that Sal feels makes Dean continually desert individuals. He is simply one more character who travels through a careless world with little to concern him aside from an inexorably useless quest for an absolutely gluttonous way of life. The steady going in the book makes Dean a screw-up instead of a legend. While numerous appalling legends travel (Aeschylus, Odysseus) they almost consistently have a goal †regardless of whether it be moral or land, as a primary concern. The characters of On the Road travel continually, yet with, to cite a well known melody of the period â€Å"no specific spot to go†. They travel for voyaging.  This capricious travel is an image for the absence of a higher moral or strict structure inside which to live. The characters of On the Road make certain of nothing, then again, actually, as Sal says toward the finish of the book â€Å"nobody knows what’s going to transpire other than the melancholy clothes of developing old† (Kerouac, 1957). Senior member moves from the West toward the East toward the West toward the South . . . and on with a feeling of rather despairing unlimited quality. Toward the finish of the novel Dean comes back toward the West Coast all alone, and Sal ruminates upon the pitiful uselessness of life. While much has occurred in the novel in certain faculties, in the work of art, Aristotelian sense next to no has happened that will for all time change individuals. On the Road has no basic emotional structure. There is no peak and end result. Or maybe it is an amorphous sort of a journey story where the hunt is an end in itself. This perpetual mission give On the Roadâ a post-present day structure. The characters are on an existential quest for themselves that appears to be bound to disappointment. Senior member Moriaty is the prototype post-current wannabe inside this mission. He attracts individuals to him, and they travel a large number of miles so as to be a piece of his meandering life. Yet, when he loses enthusiasm for them he drops them with what has all the earmarks of being an insensitive dismissal for the results. In any case, there is something â€Å"heroic† in his activities as he is at any rate being straightforward. He is in effect consistent with himself. On the off chance that that â€Å"self† a great part of the time is apprehensive, calmly remorseless, dubiously criminal and pedophilic in nature then he will in any case uncover it. To finish up, it appears to be evident that Dean Moriaty, the hero of On the Road is far closer to a post-present day wannabe than  to a customary, traditional legend. The world that he occupies is one in which there is small importance. It is a frequently dull, disallowing place in which the Cold War compromises atomic rockets and in which a sort of miserable indulgence is the main strategy which appears to be pertinent to the vast majority of the characters. They move around the nation at a regularly bewildering rate, driving throughout the night for no clear explanation other than the reality they are moving. Sentimental connections are regularly minimal more than brief sentimental contacts and relationships are relinquished with a similar negligence for results that the youngsters that have originated from them are t

Friday, August 21, 2020

Macroeconomics. Monetary policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Macroeconomics. Money related strategy - Essay Example In this detailing u* is the exceptional joblessness rate where expansion is steady. This Phillips bend has the property that swelling rises (the value level quickens) when u is underneath u*: since genuine expansion surpasses anticipated swelling, with versatile desires, expansion desires ascend after some time and are figured into pay and value setting. Interestingly, when joblessness surpasses the regular rate, real expansion misses the mark concerning anticipated swelling, so expansion decreases after some time as desires modify descending toward the real world. With interminable high joblessness, collapse is unavoidable (Yellen and Akerlof 2005, p.2). As indicated by Yellen and Akerlof, adjustment approach can essentially decrease normal degrees of joblessness by giving improvement to request in conditions where joblessness is high however underutilisation of work and capital does little to bring down swelling. A financial strategy that energetically battles high joblessness should, in any case, likewise be supplemented by an arrangement that similarly overwhelmingly battles swelling when it transcends an unobtrusive objective level. In their study, Yellen and Akerlof infer that there is a strong case for adjustment approach and that there are particularly solid purposes behind national banks to accord it need in the present time of low expansion. With a nonlinear short-run Phillips bend, adjustment strategy decreases normal degrees of joblessness and raises normal yield by a nontrivial sum. A nonlinear connection among joblessness and social government assistance may mirror the expanding occurrence of long-length joblessness spells as total joblessness rises, the lessening benefits related with extra employment creation as joblessness falls (2004, p.31). On Charles Bean's conversation of adjustment arrangement, Stanley Fischer remarks the accompanying on Bean's examination the ramifications of the nonlinearity of the Phillips bend: a one rate point decrease in an effectively low joblessness rate will push up swelling in excess of a one rate point increment in a higher joblessness rate will diminish expansion. By what method should this influence arrangement Fischer refers to that Bean's examination shows that within the sight of a nonlinear tradeoff, the specialists should focus on a higher joblessness rate than the common rate, in light of the fact that a positive stun that diminishes joblessness will largerly affect swelling than a negative stun of a similar size. Yellen and Akerlof go on that a Phillips bend that isn't generally accelerationist gives a further, significant explanation behind national banks to seek after adjustment as a goal. The customary accelerationist Phillips bend catches the accompanying truth on expansion: when item and work markets are tight, as commonly happens when joblessness is low, costs and wages both will in general increment. This

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

12 Simple Ways to Prepare a Student to Win College Scholarships

No matter how old or young your children are, there are ways you can prepare NOW to help them win college scholarships when they are ready to apply for and attend college. The cost of college tuition is skyrocketing and knowledge is power, so here are 12 simple ways to prepare students to win college scholarships. 1. Encourage good grades From the time they enter preschool, parents can instill in their children the importance of always doing their very best on all their schoolwork. As students get older and begin to receive letter grades, they should be encouraged to always strive for Aï ¿ ½s and Bï ¿ ½s. Working towards being included on academic honor rolls should be a goal and a family expectation. 2. Value volunteering Helping others is not only good for students and the people they help; itï ¿ ½s good for scholarship applications. Most organizations that offer college scholarships want to know how many community service hours a student has worked and how it has impacted their lives. Parents can start early with their children and volunteer as a family, establishing meaningful relationships with people who may one day write detailed and personal letters of recommendation for their student. 3. Speak about WHEN, not IF Talking about "when" students will go to college, instead of "if" they will go, sends a message that college is an important part of a studentï ¿ ½s education. Parents can also bring into casual conversations valuable information and lessons they learned from their own college days. RELATED: 5 secrets to winning a college scholarship 4. Make college visits on vacations Family vacations are a great way to do some mini college visits. While sight-seeing and on the road, take a few extra minutes to locate any colleges in the area and drive by them to check them out. These casual visits may spark college conversations and interest without pressuring students. Make notes about each school and save them for future reference. 5. Write about experiences If your student has done something exciting, or for which they are very proud, encourage him or her to take a few minutes and write down their thoughts and feelings, as well as any details about the experience as soon as possible afterwards. These big events could become fantastic scholarship or college essay material, but memories may become lost or fuzzy if they are not soon captured on paper. 6. Save awards/honors certificates All those certificates need a special home, so decide early on where they are going to be stored. When your child is approaching college and begins applying for scholarships, you will know exactly where they are without tearing the house apart in frustration. Scholarship applications typically have special areas in which students are asked about any awards they have received. Start saving the proof now, no matter how old your child is. 7. Strive for NHS/NJHS membership The National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society not only have scholarships available for their members, they also have community service hour requirements that will help your student pick volunteer opportunities that count on scholarship applications. Encouraging and expecting good grades will increase your childï ¿ ½s chances of being invited into these organizations. RELATED: The truth about scholarships and 529 plans 8. Never skip the FAFSA Financial aid is given out at most colleges and by the federal government in a "first come, first served" basis. Filling out and submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be done as soon as possible when the forms become available, starting in October of a studentï ¿ ½s senior year of high school. Many parents assume they make too much money to receive aid from the government, but even low interest loans will help and filing the FAFSA is also mandatory for many scholarship and college applications. 9. Expect extra credit When a teacher offers extra credit, encourage your child to do the additional work. Going the "extra mile" is a wonderful concept to teach students and instills in them the importance of doing their very best and going above and beyond what is expected of them academically. 10. Teach that asking for help is smart Teaching children that it is smart to ask for help allows them to see that it is perfectly acceptable to reach out to others if they feel confused or are struggling in school. Encourage asking questions in class and good communication with teachers, so students donï ¿ ½t get so far behind that they are constantly fighting to keep up and grades suffer. 11. Promote Honors and AP classes Advanced Placement and honors courses challenge young minds and look great on college and scholarship applications. Encourage AP and honors class selections, especially in the junior and senior year of high school. Students can enter college with college credit (saving mom and dad money!) if they successfully pass advanced placement tests. RELATED: 11 myths and realities of scholarships 12. Attend parent/teacher conferences Even if your child is doing wonderful in school, taking the time to meet their teachers and chat about their performance is a great way to connect and discuss your plan to help your student apply for and win college scholarships. The teacher that gushes about how much they like and appreciate your student will probably be a good choice as a letter of recommendation writer. Mentioning college scholarships at parent/teacher conferences also opens up the possibility of a teacher nominating your student for those scholarships that require such nominations. Little preschoolers become college-bound students before you know it! Get ahead of the game by planning early and making these actions a part of your daily family life. Scholarship prep is a powerful way to put your student in a prime position to win scholarships when college is on the horizon and tuition payments and the high costs of college become a frightening reality. What have you already done in preparation for college and scholarships for your child? RELATED: 10 things you need to know about getting scholarships About the author: Monica Matthews is the author of HOW TO WIN COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS. She helped her own son win over $100,000 in college scholarships and now shares her expertise with other parents and their students. She truly has "been there, done that" in regards to helping parents and students navigate the scholarship process.ï ¿ ½ Her method of helping students in finding college scholarships, writing unique and compelling scholarship essays, creating amazing scholarship application packets and more, have taught desperate parents to help their own students win thousands of scholarship dollars.ï ¿ ½ Her scholarship tips have been featured on several websites and she has been dubbed the "Go To" expert on college scholarships. You can find her scholarship guide and tips at Monica Matthews can also be found on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, SmartCollegeVisit, and RealityMomsRock. No matter how old or young your children are, there are ways you can prepare NOW to help them win college scholarships when they are ready to apply for and attend college. The cost of college tuition is skyrocketing and knowledge is power, so here are 12 simple ways to prepare students to win college scholarships. 1. Encourage good grades From the time they enter preschool, parents can instill in their children the importance of always doing their very best on all their schoolwork. As students get older and begin to receive letter grades, they should be encouraged to always strive for Aï ¿ ½s and Bï ¿ ½s. Working towards being included on academic honor rolls should be a goal and a family expectation. 2. Value volunteering Helping others is not only good for students and the people they help; itï ¿ ½s good for scholarship applications. Most organizations that offer college scholarships want to know how many community service hours a student has worked and how it has impacted their lives. Parents can start early with their children and volunteer as a family, establishing meaningful relationships with people who may one day write detailed and personal letters of recommendation for their student. 3. Speak about WHEN, not IF Talking about "when" students will go to college, instead of "if" they will go, sends a message that college is an important part of a studentï ¿ ½s education. Parents can also bring into casual conversations valuable information and lessons they learned from their own college days. RELATED: 5 secrets to winning a college scholarship 4. Make college visits on vacations Family vacations are a great way to do some mini college visits. While sight-seeing and on the road, take a few extra minutes to locate any colleges in the area and drive by them to check them out. These casual visits may spark college conversations and interest without pressuring students. Make notes about each school and save them for future reference. 5. Write about experiences If your student has done something exciting, or for which they are very proud, encourage him or her to take a few minutes and write down their thoughts and feelings, as well as any details about the experience as soon as possible afterwards. These big events could become fantastic scholarship or college essay material, but memories may become lost or fuzzy if they are not soon captured on paper. 6. Save awards/honors certificates All those certificates need a special home, so decide early on where they are going to be stored. When your child is approaching college and begins applying for scholarships, you will know exactly where they are without tearing the house apart in frustration. Scholarship applications typically have special areas in which students are asked about any awards they have received. Start saving the proof now, no matter how old your child is. 7. Strive for NHS/NJHS membership The National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society not only have scholarships available for their members, they also have community service hour requirements that will help your student pick volunteer opportunities that count on scholarship applications. Encouraging and expecting good grades will increase your childï ¿ ½s chances of being invited into these organizations. RELATED: The truth about scholarships and 529 plans 8. Never skip the FAFSA Financial aid is given out at most colleges and by the federal government in a "first come, first served" basis. Filling out and submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be done as soon as possible when the forms become available, starting in October of a studentï ¿ ½s senior year of high school. Many parents assume they make too much money to receive aid from the government, but even low interest loans will help and filing the FAFSA is also mandatory for many scholarship and college applications. 9. Expect extra credit When a teacher offers extra credit, encourage your child to do the additional work. Going the "extra mile" is a wonderful concept to teach students and instills in them the importance of doing their very best and going above and beyond what is expected of them academically. 10. Teach that asking for help is smart Teaching children that it is smart to ask for help allows them to see that it is perfectly acceptable to reach out to others if they feel confused or are struggling in school. Encourage asking questions in class and good communication with teachers, so students donï ¿ ½t get so far behind that they are constantly fighting to keep up and grades suffer. 11. Promote Honors and AP classes Advanced Placement and honors courses challenge young minds and look great on college and scholarship applications. Encourage AP and honors class selections, especially in the junior and senior year of high school. Students can enter college with college credit (saving mom and dad money!) if they successfully pass advanced placement tests. RELATED: 11 myths and realities of scholarships 12. Attend parent/teacher conferences Even if your child is doing wonderful in school, taking the time to meet their teachers and chat about their performance is a great way to connect and discuss your plan to help your student apply for and win college scholarships. The teacher that gushes about how much they like and appreciate your student will probably be a good choice as a letter of recommendation writer. Mentioning college scholarships at parent/teacher conferences also opens up the possibility of a teacher nominating your student for those scholarships that require such nominations. Little preschoolers become college-bound students before you know it! Get ahead of the game by planning early and making these actions a part of your daily family life. Scholarship prep is a powerful way to put your student in a prime position to win scholarships when college is on the horizon and tuition payments and the high costs of college become a frightening reality. What have you already done in preparation for college and scholarships for your child? RELATED: 10 things you need to know about getting scholarships About the author: Monica Matthews is the author of HOW TO WIN COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS. She helped her own son win over $100,000 in college scholarships and now shares her expertise with other parents and their students. She truly has "been there, done that" in regards to helping parents and students navigate the scholarship process.ï ¿ ½ Her method of helping students in finding college scholarships, writing unique and compelling scholarship essays, creating amazing scholarship application packets and more, have taught desperate parents to help their own students win thousands of scholarship dollars.ï ¿ ½ Her scholarship tips have been featured on several websites and she has been dubbed the "Go To" expert on college scholarships. You can find her scholarship guide and tips at Monica Matthews can also be found on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, SmartCollegeVisit, and RealityMomsRock.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Bipolar Disorder Is Defined By Whitbourne And Halgin Essay

Bipolar Disorder, or BD, is defined by Whitbourne and Halgin (2013) as a disorder wherein individuals experience â€Å"intense and very disruptive† euphoric moods, and sometimes episodes of major depression (p. 179). Individuals with Bipolar are often highly creative and intelligent, but lack self esteem and often exhibit behavioral problems and problems in their personal relationships (Benti, Manicavasagar, Proudfoot, and Parker, 2013). In addition, those with Bipolar can often experience high levels of irritability, anxiety, and sleep disturbances, even when not in the throws of a depressive or manic episode (Benti et al., 2013). In order to be diagnosed with BD, at least three of the following manic criteria must be present for at least a week: â€Å"inflated self-esteem or grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, more talkative than normal, racing thoughts, distractibility, increase in goal-oriented activity or psychomotor agitation, or excessive involvement in high-risk be haviors or endeavors† (Whitbourne Halgin, 2013, p. 179). Sometimes, people are diagnosed with BD with only a history of manic episodes, but typically they experience both manic and depressive episodes. Depressive episodes are defined as 5 or more of the following symptoms present for at least 2 weeks: â€Å"depressed mood most of the day, markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all or most daily activities, significant weight loss or increase or decrease in appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia, psychomotorShow MoreRelatedThe Plague of Major Depression979 Words   |  4 Pagesthis disorder too frequently; is it a means to an end when no problem really exists? Or is there a clinical rise in prevalence as a result of genetic, physiological, social, stress, psychosocial or any other factor that may contribute to the manifestation of MD. In the following section we define MD, discuss the symptoms of MD, and review the aetiology (cause) of MD. Definition of MD Major depression falls in a category of psychological disorders that affect mood. Mood disorders can be defined asRead MoreDevelopmental Disability : A Diverse Group Of Chronic Conditions2023 Words   |  9 Pagesself-help, and independent living. Developmental disabilities are usually identified early in childhood and will probably persist throughout the individual’s lifespan. This paper will identify the various aspects of how developmental disability can be defined, how many people are estimated to experience DD, the long-term and short-term management of DD and a client with a developmental disability can receive affective counseling, treatment and different intervention approaches to assist in the enhancement

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Free Will And Determinism Can Go Together - 1447 Words

Free will is one of the great debates among humans. What is it and do we even have it are two common questions. Freedom is not always easy to define but there is one compelling version of free will. I believe that humans are not truly free, they have free will but much of their lives are determined by other external causes because of the dual nature of decisions. First I will argue what the theory of compatibilist is and why it is the most reasonable. Then I will look at the moral responsibility someone has with this view and its opposing argument. To be a soft determinist or a compatibilist, there are certain conditions that must be followed. One is the belief in the free will, another is the belief in determinism-or that actions and thoughts have causes, and the final is that both free will and determinism can go together. (Hume 113-114). This view still allows for people to be morally responsible for their actions while suggesting that it is possible that there where underl ying means to the thought of that action. This theory on free will is believable because it allows for both internal and external factors to influence decisions. This shows that all choices have both a mental component and a physical component. The internal or mental component is how a person believes that he can directly influence or change a situation. The physical or external component is how the outside environment or previous decisions create the choice that a person has to make.Show MoreRelatedDeterminism In Oedipus1163 Words   |  5 Pagesnot knowing their real relationship. Thus, he fulfilled the prophecy. Although the story of Oedipus is an extreme example, the book, Introducing Philosophy says, â€Å"The story of Oedipus†¦is perhaps the most stirring picture of Greek determinism† (Solomon 431). Determinism is â€Å"a theory or doctrine that acts of the will, occurrences in nature, or social or psychological phenomena are causally determined by preceding events or natural laws† ( That means every action we do or idea thatRead MoreFree Will and Libertanianism View1101 Words   |  4 PagesWhether or not humans have free will is a very popular question. This is because everyone wants to know if the decisions they make are truly theirs or if their decisions matter at all. If everything is predetermined then what you choose wouldn’t matter because it would be bound to happen regardless of if you chose it or not. Without free will many people believe that life would have less meaning to it. With free will comes power and importance. Having th e ability to choose what will happen givesRead MoreFree Will Compatible With Determinism Essay1634 Words   |  7 PagesRyan Hay Phil. 190 11 December, 2015 Free Will Compatible With Determinism Free will – a concept that always brings forth the question, â€Å"Does free will exist?† There are various arguments that come from both sides of the discussion, those in favor of free will based on religious text, and those that can argue that free will is a concept and ideal created to give humans the illusion that they have the ability to choose what they can do in life.The question is, do we really have theRead MorePersonal Journal: Philosophy Class1273 Words   |  6 Pagesbetween free will and determinism. The question is Do you believe we live in a free will world or has everything been planned out and is determined to happen no matter what? Free will is the â€Å"idea that you could have acted in a different way the idea that alternative actions are possible for you the idea that you did not have to do what you did the idea that you have a choice about what you do the idea that you are responsible for your actions† Many people think they are free because they can makeRead MoreFree Will Essay example1168 Words   |  5 PagesFree Will I want to argue that there is indeed free will. In order to defend the position that free will means that human beings can cause some of what they do on their own; in other words, what they do is not explainable solely by references to factors that have influenced them. My thesis then, is that human beings are able to cause their own actions and they are therefore responsible for what they do. In a basic sense we are all original actors capable of making moves in the world. WeRead MoreDiscussion on the Determination of Self Essay777 Words   |  4 Pages However it is hard to believe that we have no free choices when presented with a decision to be made, surely if we were unable to make choices concerning the direction and outcome of his own life, is a slave. However many philosophers and thinkers have pondered this over the years, and some believe that when we believe we are presented with choices we are being deceived, and as B.F Skinner said, ‘human beings.. are not free, because all men are really puppets or robots. Read MoreThe Complexity of Life and Death in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead678 Words   |  3 Pagesevents that lead to it. It also depicts the theory of determinism vs. free will. These are very similar to the themes seen in Hamlet. There is a complementary structure between Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead and Hamlet in the sense that, they are written in different time periods and show different understanding on the subject at hand. In 1602, the time when Hamlet was written, people believed in church and that dead would go to heaven or hell based on their deeds , but RosencrantzRead MoreParadise Lost Themes1501 Words   |  7 Pagesthis more prevalent than in Milton’s treatment of the philosophic issue of free will and its opposing determinism, from which springs the fall of man and the fall of the rebel angles, as well as the creative and destructive urges of both humanity and demons. The Miltonian demons are odd creatures: powerful and fierce; although, they are ostensibly subject to fate and a life deeply steeped in a philosophy of hard determinism, believing that they are powerless. 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Two important facts in the analysis will mark Vincent’s life, a fail in his cardio system and his life expectancy, only thirty years. The film shows a world where life is highly determined by genetics, and happiness

Business Strategy Spotify 2016 Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Business Strategy Spotify 2016. Answer: Strategy A business strategy is to design a plan to achieve the short term or long term objectives. In the assessment of the case study about Spotify 2016, the problem is faced by the Spotify is the increased competition and the competitor is the Apple music. The Spotify is doing the sole business of the Music Steaming. The company re-define its marketing strategies as well as the corporate and business level strategies to gain the competitive advantage. Looking at the history of the Spotify, then in the year 1999, with the growth of the playback music records, the vinyl and the cassettes have been replaced by the CD that lead to increase the revenue of the company. The use of the CD is beneficial to access the small and cheap cassette player and offers the much higher quality of the sound and fidelity (Ferrari, et al., 2015). Moreover, recorded music becomes famous because of the development of the new platforms of Mass media like radio. Business level strategy In the case of the Spotify 2016, Business strategy is basically a plan of action to formulate, evaluate, and implement the decisions in the favor of achieving the long term objectives. Its a documented plan for the company to achieve the goal of the company. Strategy is important because it gives the business time to get a sense of how they are performing, what their capabilities are, and if these abilities are helpful for them to achieve the goal. It also identifies trends and opportunities in the future and also helpful in understanding the broad change in the market. It creates the vision and clear direction for the company to work. By creating a business strategy, a company can create a competitive edge in the market. The business strategy of the company includes the stages such as, Strategy formulation, Strategy evaluation, Strategy implementation and Strategy monitoring. All these stages of the business strategies focus on the achievement of the long term objective (Bozovic, 20 17). The long term objective of the Spotify is to gain the competitive advantage and to increase the revenue of the company. The increased competition is the biggest challenge faced by the Spotify and because of this reason company established a new business model where the music labels are the name given to the recording companies. These recording companies as per the new business model, contacted personally to the artists to produce a music for them. This business model or strategy is very helpful for the Spotify to compete in the market. These models are helpful in handling all the activities like production, advertisement, promotion and the distribution of the music (Lu, 2016). Corporate level Strategies The corporate level strategies are different from the business level as it involves the overall growth of the organization, whereas the business strategy is focusing on the one particular unit. The Spotify also adopted the corporate level strategies as the company decided to enter into the digital industry with the rise of the internet and new devices. The company Spotify also focused on the overall business of the company and focuses on the other competitors to gain the competitive advantage (Ranjan, 2013). There are big five major labels that are mainly concentrated and these are: Sony Music, universal group, EMI, Warner music group and BMG. After a few years, the apple also launched the iTunes model which will become the biggest competitor for all. The use of the digital medium is the corporate level strategy used by the Spotify and this strategy has positive as well as negative impact on the organization (Swanson Herzig, 2013). The positive point is that adopting new technology and uses of digital medium results into the increase in the sales revenue of the company. On the other hand, the negative impact of this is that it also creates a problem of the music piracy, which is increased because of the rise of the internet. Industry analysis The industry analysis involves the analysis of the internal as well as the external environment. This analysis is better explained with the help of the porters five forces model. The porters five forces analysis with regard to the Spotify is explained as below: Threat of New entry: - For Spotify, the threat of new entrant is low as the new entries have to acquire the catalogue for the streaming services. This is difficult for the new entrants to acquire as it involves huge cost as well as the company also need to generate the large number of the active users in comparison to the Spotify. For this, the companies need to build the business relations at the low level as compared to the already established companies (Seabrook, 2014). However, there are many factors of low threat of the new entrants such as the access of the suppliers, apple case, customer acquisition, Switching costs, etc. Bargaining power of the Suppliers: - The big five major labels already hold the 80% of the market share and these five labels are Sony music, Universal, BMG. Warner music group and EMI. It has been analyzed that the streaming services gain the bargaining leverage only if they have the strong market share as well as popularity (IFPI, 2016). The power of the supplier to bargain decreases with the small label and low popularity. However, it is the label catalog on which the bargaining power of supplier is dependent. The Spotify is the strong label having enough market share, so it is concluded that the result of the bargaining power of supplier is high. Bargaining power of Buyer: - There are two types of buyer for the Streaming services. One is the customers who want to buy the music and others are the business to business clients. There are many factors on which the bargaining power of the buyers is decided upon and these factors are defined below: Profile of buyer Price for the music Quality of the music Product differentiation Competition All these factors decide the bargaining power of the buyers of the music. The results of this analysis show that there is a high tendency of the bargaining which slowly goes to the level of the moderate. Threat of substitutes: - No doubt, the substitute products can affect the competitive environment as the people prefer to purchase the substitutes instead of the product. Talking about the current situation of the music industry, then there are many substitutes of the streaming services are available in the industry like physical records, TV, Radio, Internet and satellite radio and piracy. After analyzing the industry, it is fund that there is no as such threat of the substitutes because streaming services already replaces records and downloads completely. The threat of the substitutes can be evaluated as high because of the emergence of the video and internet services (Hyder, et al., 2016). Rivalry among industry: - It is stated by the Micheal Porter that the intensity of the Rivalry can be calculated as the industrys structure, exit barrier and growth rate. As it is clear that there are a huge number of the competitors like Apple iTunes, Sony music, Universal group of music and high growth rate and exit barrier, results into the rivalry among the industry ranges from the medium to high risk (Ingram, 2016). Business system model of Spotify The current business model used by the Spotify is very unique and this model was introduced in the year 2016. This model consists of two special markets, free and the premium. Both the elements allow its users to listen the unlimited music on demand at any time and for unlimited time with the help of laptops, tablets and mobile phones. The free service of Spotify is for shorter periods and for the limited people, whereas the premium service is the long term usage of the unlimited music without any interruptions and users can have the access of the higher quality radio and music (Javier, 2016). Moreover, the new model of the Spotify provides the mobile app also for easier access by the customers on their android or smart phones. This model is very helpful in generating the sales for the company. The company here, in this business makes use of the digital model just to compete in the music industry and to gain the competitive advantage over the iTunes model, Sony music or the universal music group. The adoption of the latest technology and digital media is the corporate level strategy used by the Spotify for the successful business gains and to increase the sales revenue (Ferrari, et al., 2014). Conclusion The strategic issues that are faced by the Spotify decrease the level of the revenue and the main issues were shown below in the form of points: - Increased level of the competition Music piracy because of the use of the digital medium As per the findings of this report, it is found that the company built the business level and the corporate level strategies to face the competition as well as to bring the latest technology in the company for the successful growth. The biggest competitor for the Spotify was the Apple music store or iTunes. The Spotify uses the vertical integration also to overcome the losses and the challenges. However, it is recommended that, the Spotify should open up the maximum opportunities just to attract new users. It is very important for the Spotify to cope up with the latest trends to improve its services as well as for the application of the vertical integration in the business. The company has the opportunity of doing the video streaming with the support of the Netflix company. The company should follow some policies in regard to the investments and should invest some amount of the revenue in the production of its own content. The company should also need to take the corrective actions to avoid the situation of the music piracy as this will lead to the legal actions against the company. Therefore, all the important points should be kept in mind before making the business and corporate level strategies. References Bozovic, D., 2017. Unicorns Analysis: An Estimation of Spotify's and Snapchat's Valuation, Available at: Ferrari, S., DeFerrari, D. Simantel, B., 2015. Spotify Analysis, Available at: Ferrari, S., DeFerrari, F., Simantel, B. Osazuwa, C., 2014. Spotify and Streaming Music Industry Analysis, Available at: Hyder, Yash, Akash Dhruv, 2016. Playing a new tune in a disrupted market, Available at: IFPI, 2016. Global Music Report: Music consumption exploding worldwide, Available at: Ingram, M., 2016. Spotifys Financial Results Reinforce Just How Broken the Music Business Is, Available at: Javier, F., 2016. Music Streaming Industry Analysis, Available at: Lu, K., 2016. 9 International Growth Strategies from Spotify, Available at: Ranjan, T., 2013. Spotify's Strategy - Road to success, Available at: Seabrook, J., 2014. Revenue Streams: Is Spotify the music industrys friend or its foe?, Available at: Swanson, K. Herzig, M., 2013. A Case Study on Spotify: Exploring Perceptions, Available at: